Carlos Garcia'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23d' x='45.714'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23e' transform='matrix(-1 0 0 1 479.792 0)'/%3e%3cg id='f' fill='%23fff'%3e%3cpath fill='%23039' d='M232.636 202.406v.005c0 2.212.85 4.227 2.212 5.69 1.365 1.466 3.245 2.377 5.302 2.377 2.067 0 3.944-.905 5.303-2.365 1.358-1.459 2.202-3.472 2.202-5.693v-10.768l-14.992-.013-.028 10.766'/%3e%3ccircle cx='236.074' cy='195.735' r='1.486'/%3e%3ccircle cx='244.392' cy='195.742' r='1.486'/%3e%3ccircle cx='240.225' cy='199.735' r='1.486'/%3e%3ccircle cx='236.074' cy='203.916' r='1.486'/%3e%3ccircle cx='244.383' cy='203.905' r='1.486'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' y='-26.016'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' x='-20.799'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' x='20.745'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' y='25.784'/%3e%3c/svg%3e)
Graduated in Music Education and Jazz at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (ESML), Carlos Garcia is a dynamic Portuguese composer, arranger, pianist, and teacher with intense professional activity, teaching and playing regularly in concerts with many different projects, namely in jazz, pop, world music, and classical music.

As freelancer pianist, he takes part in projects of several music styles and composes original music pieces regularly and arrangements for different kinds of groups. He worked with Carlos do Carmo, Luís Represas, Ricardo Ribeiro, Rão Kyao, Vitorino, Janita Salomé, João Gil, Jorge Palma, Ana Moura, Mafalda Arnauth, Ana Bacalhau, Cuca Roseta, Marisa Liz, Celina da Piedade, Anabela, Ivan Lins, Martinho da Vila, Paulo Flores, Yami, Ritinha Lobo, Boy Ge Mendes, Stewart Sukuma, Toto ST, Marito Marques, João Frade, Márcio Dhiniz, Cícero Lee, Maro, among others. He is currently a member of the “Portugoesas” trio, which pays tribute to traditional music from Goa.