Colin Coorie'/%3e%3c/defs%3e%3cpath fill='%23012169' d='M0 0h10080v5040H0z'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 6 3m0-3L0 3' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='.6' clip-path='url(%23b)' transform='scale(840)'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 6 3m0-3L0 3' stroke='%23e4002b' stroke-width='.4' clip-path='url(%23c)' transform='scale(840)'/%3e%3cpath d='M2520 0v2520M0 1260h5040' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='840'/%3e%3cpath d='M2520 0v2520M0 1260h5040' stroke='%23e4002b' stroke-width='504'/%3e%3cg fill='%23fff'%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23d' x='2520' y='3780'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23a' x='7560' y='4200'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23a' x='6300' y='2205'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23a' x='7560' y='840'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23a' x='8680' y='1869'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23e' x='8064' y='2730'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)
Colin is a keyboardist and music producer based in Sydney. He has worked with many of Australia’s most well-known and respected artists.

Colin has spent ten years playing and recording with the legendary rock artist Richard Clapton. Since then, he has become a regular member of the Empire Touring House Band and performed at many sold-out festivals and large theaters across the country. He has backed up some of Australia's finest musicians, including Kate Ceberano, Wendy Matthews, Dragon, and Ross Wilson, among others.