Jobert Gaigher

Jobert Gaigher is a Brazilian keyboardist who's been working alongside major artists since the early 90s. In 2003 Jobert moved to London, taking part in several studio recordings and live performances at festivals and events in the UK, Spain, and Italy.

Jobert Gaigher

In 2008 he returned to Brazil, where he conceived, designed and subsequently coordinated the entire development process of the Music Education System "e-SOM", an acronym for “Educate”, “Socialize”, “Orient” and “Musicalize”. A multimedia system for music education in public schools. The system has been qualified by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture and included in the National Guide of Educational Technologies. In recent years Jobert has done many demonstrations and workshops for Nord Keyboards at events and shows throughout Brazil. 

Associated acts

Meninos do Morumbi

