Robert Cruz' fill='%23fcd116'%3e%3ccircle r='9'/%3e%3cg id='d'%3e%3cg id='c'%3e%3cg id='b'%3e%3cpath d='m-1 0 .062.062L0 0l-.938-.062z' transform='scale(19)'/%3e%3cpath id='a' d='m-.884.116.05.05L0 0z' transform='scale(19.2381)'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23a' transform='scale(1 -1)'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23b' transform='rotate(45)'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23c' transform='rotate(90)'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23d' transform='rotate(180)'/%3e%3cg transform='translate(-2.02)'%3e%3cg id='f' transform='translate(37.962)'%3e%3cpath id='e' d='M5 0 1.618 1.176l-.073 3.58-2.163-2.854-3.427 1.037L-2 0z'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23e' transform='scale(1 -1)'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' transform='rotate(120)'/%3e%3cuse xlink:href='%23f' transform='rotate(-120)'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)
Robert Cruz is a keyboardist, guitarist, vocalist, composer, and producer based in Manila.

Coming from a family of musicians, he picked up his first instrument at the age of 4 and started playing with his family and several acts in his area in his teenage years. He pursued his passion for music in college where he took his Bachelor's degree in Music Production at De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde. Since then, he's been composing and producing music for TV, film, games, and advertisments.
He currently plays Keyboard for December Avenue, produces electronic/future bass music under the name Invisibleants, and sings for Involition.